Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany. Him and his family eventually moved to Munich. In Munich Einstiens father and uncle opened up an electric manufacturing company. The Einstein family was Jewish, but their son went to a Catholic Elementry school until he was 10 years old. In 1894 Einsteins fathers company failed and the family moved about the country of Italy and eventually settled in Pavia. While Einsteins family stayed in Pavia, Albert stayed in Munich to finish his studies in Luitpold Gynmasium.
After Einstein graduated he spend two agonizing years searching for a teaching job. His friend found him a job in Bern, as an assistant examiner. In Bern, Einstein formed a weekly disscusion club on science and philosophy. In 1908, Einstein was recognized as a leading scientist. In 1911, Einstein came up with a theory, he calculated that the light from a star would be bent on it's way to another star because of the suns gravity.
In 1921, Einstein was awarded a Nobel Prize for the theory he came up with in 1908. But because his theory was still controvertial he didn't get the award until 1925. In 1933 Einstein wanted to move to the Untited States but he couldn't because he was Jewish. He got to the United States a few years later. In 1955 Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused by the rupture of his insides which had been worked on in the past. He died in the hospital the next day, peacfully, he said the day before that he was ready to go, so he did.
-Kara Klaczynski
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